3 Things You Didn’t Know About Wellpoint Dewatering Systems

If you are looking for a dewatering system for your next project, wellpoint dewatering could be your best solution. It's more effective, efficient, less costly and quicker. Therefore, whether it's tunnel work, hydro projects, basement construction, underground tank construction, land reclamation, water supply projects, laying deep sewer lines and etc., wellpoint dewatering is worth considering. However, knowing a thing or two about wellpoint dewatering can go a long way in making the project successful. Therefore, here are three critical things you should know about wellpoint dewatering systems.

It Can Be Done In Two Stages

Wellpoint dewatering systems come in two primary types: single-stage and multi-stage systems. Generally, the ideal system will depend on the scope and nature of your project. Single-stage wellpoint dewatering, also referred to as single-level wellpoint dewatering, is the basic type of wellpoint dewatering system. It's meant for shallow excavations, and it involves installing perforated pipes into the ground to predetermined depths. Usually, screens are used to cover the perforations and keep the pipes from clogging. In most cases, single-stage wellpoint dewatering systems are ideal for use in granular soils.

On the other hand, multi-stage wellpoint systems are used for deeper excavations or dewatering needs. As the name implies, the process is done in two phases. The first phase, which will often involve single-level dewatering, entails lowering the water table up to the desired level. The area is then excavated, and wellpoints are installed to lower the water table even further.

PVC Wellpoints Are Often Used

The pipework used in wellpoint dewatering systems is also crucial. Generally, PVC is preferred for wellpoint dewatering systems. It's economical and isn't affected by corrosion. Therefore, you won't have to worry about corrosion prevention or clogging issues that may result from corrosion. 

Several Factors Can Impact Your Project's Success

You will need to consider several factors for your wellpoint dewatering project to be successful. Start by checking for permissions and permits. Some areas have local or state regulations concerning excavations and the techniques used. Therefore, check with your local council first for any permits or requirements needed for the project. Soil conditions are also critical. Generally, wellpoint dewatering tends to work best in sandy soils and gravels compared to fine-grained soils. Therefore, a study of the land, including the soil types, will be necessary to determine the suitability of the wellpoint dewatering system. For this reason, it's often best to work with professionals to make proper plans for the project.

The weather is also important, so don't forget the weather forecast. Your wellpoint dewatering process may be ineffective if you plan to work under heavy rains. 
